
Author: Becky Esquibel, CEO Experience Joy Travel Company LLC

August 6th, 2024


Hello lovely travelers,

A wise person once said, “You cannot go to a place you have not been first in your imagination.” Where you go in your mind is a destination and what you see in your imagination is like a place you are traveling to. I would like to take you someplace lovely today in Northern Europe.


My son and I get off the train in Copenhagen, Denmark on a warm June day and walk a few blocks along streets lined with thousands of parked bicycles. It is apparent that most people travel around town by train, or on bicycles of various styles. There are bicycles in so many different colors and models that it absolutely amazes me.

We find the entrance to Tivoli Gardens and Jaiden wants to ride all the rides, so he gets a wristband. I am not quite sure what kind of rides I would like to enjoy yet, so I wait on the wristband purchase. I know that they have a Hans Christian Andersen ride that I want to check out, but I decide to wait and see what else they have.

As we walk through the gates, I am sure we are arriving somewhere magical. Not only am I a huge gardener and look forward to seeing what their gardens have to offer, but I am a fan of historical architecture, and I am pleased at the buildings scattered about the grounds. There are unique and quirky colorful details at every turn, including an alleyway between two rides that is full of silly and nonsensical things including a polar bear’s head and rain boots sticking out of the walls.

Jaiden takes off to enjoy the rides, which includes at least one roller coaster, and I decide to stroll the grounds. I am absolutely amazed at the variety of plants that I find, including flowers, trees, vegetables and herbs. There are little cafes surrounded by gorgeous water fountains, flower gardens and even fruit trees laden with citrus and figs. There are bean bag chairs thrown all about on the main lawn area for guests to enjoy, and many are having picnics.

My favorite area is the Concert Hall Gardens where the multi-colored “Swing Carousel” stands surrounded by thousands and thousands of roses in every color. The ride spins around and around, sending those on swings flying. This is just one of Tivoli’s magical gardens. 

I eventually find the Hans Christian Andersen ride, which is really called “Den Flyvende Kuffert”, or “The Flying Trunk”. I pay with my credit card at the entrance, which is convenient. There are 32 fairy tales featured on this ride with fantastic scenes made with colorful wooden dolls. The narrator tells me all about these scenes, however I do not realize that I should have chosen the English setting in my flying vehicle before I embarked, and don’t understand the Danish storytelling. I do recognize several fairy tales, including The Princess and the Pea, The Little Mermaid and The Emporer’s New Clothes.

I learn that Tivoli Gardens was originally built in 1843 and it is said to have inspired Hans Christian Andersen in his fairy tales as well as Walt Disney in the creation of Disneyland. It is the number one destination for first time visitors to Copenhagen, and I can personally recommend it.

I hope you enjoyed the little peek into my personal visit to Tivoli. You can watch the video I made about this trip on my YouTube channel using the link here.

Please like and subscribe.

July 15th, 2024

 Hello brave travelers,

 Some of you might be thinking, “Hey! What do you mean, brave traveler? I haven’t been bravely traveling!”

 But you will.

 Where you go in your mind is a place. What you see in your imagination is a place you are traveling to. I would like to take you somewhere today where you must be a little bit brave.

A wise person once said, “You cannot go to a place you have not been first in your imagination.”

Let’s go to the southernmost point of the United States today.



In March of 2021 I set out to take my kids to the remote beach that I last visited about 20 years prior. When I was there as a young 20-year-old, I remember that a local friend drove us out there in his jeep because there was no actual road, and by the time we got there my butt was sore from how bumpy the drive was. When we got there, we had the beach to ourselves, which was amazing.

I did my research and knew that my kids and I should hike out to the beach to avoid further destroying the land with automobile traffic. There is no “road” to the beach, only a winding dirt maze of ditches between small rocky hills. Even though I had rented a Jeep on this trip I knew that I would likely get stuck trying to drive the rough 2.5 miles to our destination, the landscape of which is worn into a 50,000 year-old cinder cone. I was not willing to risk wrecking the rental, and I really did want to respect the land that we were privileged to visit. 

I found South Point Road between mile markers 69 and 70 and drove 8 miles on a slightly sketchy road to the trailhead parking area. When we got out of the jeep with our backpacks, we were approached by locals who were offering us a ride in the back of their truck for $10 each. We politely declined and began the trek, sticking along the coast as much as we could. There is no shade on this hike, so we had sunblock, water, hats, and spunk to get us there. It was a difficult hike, and we were passed many times by 4WD vehicles. The kids started to grumble that we could have taken the jeep, when suddenly, the landscape opened to a beautiful cove. It was just like I remembered it as the steep sand beach glinted with a green sheen due to the heavy olivine mineral, and the gorgeous jagged black volcanic cliffs served as a backdrop. 

I was surprised to see so many people there, but the internet does not let secret beaches stay that way. We eased down the steep entrance to the beach, which includes a skinny winding hallway through the earth and a metal ladder bolted into the rocks. Later as the kids hiked along the precipice of the cliff I paddled out to where the surf wasn’t slamming into me and floated there, just enjoying the movement of the water.

Once we were finished enjoying the cove we were exhausted. By the time we climbed up out of the steep beach area we were simply done. The sun had climbed high in the sky, and we were asleep on our feet. I decided to take the locals up on their ride for the way back to the parking lot.

We jumped into the back of the truck, which had a metal handrail welded all the way around the bed. The way it was set up, we all stood around the edge of the truck bed holding on to the metal rail. Looking at each other with excitement, we hung on tight as the truck took off on our crazy ride! It certainly was an adventure, and one we will not forget.

When we got back to the jeep we decided to drive out to South Point, which I jumped off when I was 20 years old. It is a 30-foot drop into the “soft”, clear saltwater. There is a metal ladder clinging to the cliffs so you can climb back up when you are done! The kids were hesitant. Jaiden did not decide to jump, but Jocelynne and her boyfriend took deep breaths and tight hold of their courage and jumped! They were all smiles as everyone cheered!

Please check out the short video featuring this trip on YouTube: Here Remember to like and subscribe for more! 

I hope you enjoyed our adventure today, and I will see you again next time in Glimmers for another!

June 26th, 2024

Hello adventurous travelers,

Some of you might be thinking, “Hey! I haven’t been traveling anywhere adventurous!”

But you have.

Where you go in your mind is a place. What you see in your imagination, and where you dwell in your mind is a place you are traveling to. I would like to take you on an adventure today.

*First, I want to apologize for the long silence in this newsletter. Sometimes we need to have some time to ourselves, don’t we? Well, I am ready to get back into the swing of things with you today, my adventure partners.

A wise person once said, “You cannot go to a place you have not been first in your imagination.”

Let’s go on an adventure today.


I didn’t know what to expect as my daughter and I got off the tour bus in the pouring warm spring rain at the riverboat embarkation to Tortuguero. This is in the jungle on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica, north of Limon. We were told to use the restroom there, because it would take about 2 hours to get through the winding rainforest canals to Tortuguero, a peninsula with no automobile traffic. I remember taking a video with my camera (through my plastic protective case) of the rain, which was absolutely dumping down onto our riverboat, soaking all our luggage, and filling up the brown, muddy canal.

I had a surprising feeling of glee as we boarded this boat with huge lifejackets on over our raincoats and sat crammed together on the tiny chairs under an overhang which did not do much for the people sitting by the open sides of the boat. Our guide introduced our driver, and suddenly we were off! 

The winding canal was full of wildlife, and during the moments the rain let up we were able to see huge iguanas basking in the sunny mud, spider monkeys swinging and climbing, and the occasional sloth high up in a tree, looking like it had made a little hammock of itself. At one point the boat became lodged on a branchy log that was hidden underneath the surface, and we had to all move to one side of the boat to raise the affected side! We all couldn’t help but laugh in our anxiety!

When we arrived in Tortugero (Named for the sea turtles), I was totally enamored of the little town. There were shops, food vendors, and many huts on stilts, with doors open to the moist, hot air. Our hotel stood facing the Caribbean, surrounded by glorious gardens with winding paths throughout. As we wandered the small village, we sampled chicken skewers which were cooked right there for us over a little wood fire, bought coconuts from the cart which were deftly chopped open by machete, and had some of the best coffee I have ever had in my life.

I could go on for pages about Tortuguero and tell you about the jungle walk, (watch for snakes and jaguars!), the friendly locals, and all the wonderful food we had before we moved on to the volcanic Arenal region of our tour of Costa Rica. Maybe I will in another issue in the future.

Please check out the video on YouTube Here

Until next time, “Pura Vida!”, my adventure partners! Come back and join me again in the next issue of Glimmers.

May 3rd, 2024

Hello to all my gorgeous travelers!

I thought this morning to myself, I really need to add more “glimmers” to my newsletter, because I don’t feel like I did that enough last time. So what? That's in the past. Today is the start of something new.

Yes, the intro said “gorgeous”, and yes, it said “travelers”.

Some of you might be thinking, “Hey! I haven’t been traveling anywhere!”

But you have.

Where you go in your mind is a place. What you see in your imagination is a place you are traveling to.

Whether you are experiencing this place for the first time by reading a detailed description, or hearing someone speak about their vacation there, or seeing the place with your own eyes… you went there.

A wise person once said, “You cannot go to a place you have not been first in your imagination.”

Let’s go to a place today.


I am standing at the foot of Westminster Abbey. It is SO BIG. Like, the carvings on it are so huge it makes me wonder how long it took to build this thing. It is so big that I would have to stand way down the street to get the whole thing in one picture. As I am taking a video of the bell towers the bells start to ring! It is so wonderful. I feel like I am witnessing a profound moment.

I later found out that there are ten bells in Westminster Abbey, and they are only rung for special events: All major church festivals, Royal and abbey anniversaries, saints' days, civic events, and special services. We later found out it was Prince William’s birthday that weekend, because as we were trying to walk down Parliament Street in the heat wave of June 2023 there were so many people that we couldn’t even move forward. We were bewildered! Then it happened… the royal carriage with white horses drove by. Everyone cheered! It was amazing.

Now I am not one to swoon at royalty, but this procession was striking. It made me think of Jesus and his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. People lined the streets and threw their jackets in the street for the donkey he was riding on to trample. People waved palm branches. They were so excited to welcome their king.

What does it make you think of?

As the crowd dispersed, I continued to think of the pomp of the presentation. It made me feel fortunate that we just happened to be there, because we did not at all plan it.

Well gorgeous travelers, I am going to say goodbye for now. I will have another glimmer story for you in the next issue. Until then, continue to travel. Whether physically or in your imagination, go somewhere!

Much love to you all.
